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时间:2024-06-30 16:39:52




a: good afternoon,my dear teachers and fellow students. now you are watching the english speech contest. we are honored to co-host the competition

b:敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学,大家下午好 ,欢迎您来到马山镇“迎六一”英语故事比赛现场。

a: thank you for coming to this afternoon’s competition. in today's show, there are 15 contestants. they are coming from different grade of different school. they are ready to show themselves.

b:在今天的决赛当中共有15名选手入围,这十五名选手可谓是各个学校各个班的精英啊,他们通过各学校的选拔来到了今天的比赛现场!让我们拭目以待! a: today’s competition gives all the contestants kinds of stroys, such asthe greedy hippo, the magic fish.



b welcome all of you to join us! ok, time for show.


b let’s welcome no1, no2 please gets ready!(一号请上场,二号请准备) 结束语:

my dear teachers and my fellow students,the competition is over. thank you! honored judges. thank you for your excellent speech!thank you for coming!




白: good afternoon,my dear teachers and fellow students. now you are watching the fifth “guo jiao” cup english speech contest of 2014 of international education college of henan agricultural university, and this is the final competition.

胡:各位老师同学们,大家下午好 ,欢迎您来到2014年河南农业大学国际教育学院第五届“国教杯”英语演讲赛总决赛的现场!

白:at first, with great honor, we'd like to introduce the guests at present. 胡:首先请允许我介绍出席本次比赛的领导和来宾.



白:next, let me introduce the judges of today's contest.

they're ...

thank you for being a part of this competition.

胡: now let me introduce the procedure of today’s contest: each competitors has 30s for self-introduction, you can use ppt if you want; 3.5min for the speech; 1min for question-and-answer session; and another 3mins for the talent show.


胡: attention please: during the question-and-answer session, each of you need to choose a number from the projector and answer the corresponding question shown. and in the section of talent show, there is no limitation for the content and form but the duration must be kept within 3 mins.


胡: each contestants must completes prepared speech、question-and-answer and impromptu speech. the scores will be given according to your coherence、fluency、pronunciation and expressiveness.


胡: the theme for today’s contest is “chase your dreams and grasp the future”——追逐梦想,成就未来。让我们祝所有的选手好运。

白: the competition aims to ……此处隐藏3579个字……!these12 contestants give us a wonderful show.

b: definitely! this competition is supposed to offer a goodatmosphere for thousands of students in our university,helping them speak perfect english, get rid of dumb english and rebuild themselves.

a:and more importantly, we will learn something from the contestants and the whole processes. as a student, i personally benefit a lot and i believe so.

b: i can't agree with you more! ok now we will invite our special star 黄坚 to make comment on the competition.

a: firstly, let me introduce mr.黄 who comes from fujian agriculture'?gri.k?lt??] and forestry 'f?ristri] university . mr.黄 got the special prize in fujian district of the 2014 “cctv” cup english speech contest and was the top 20 in the finals. moreover, he was the host of the finals in last year.

b: 今天我们请来了来自福建农林大学的黄坚老师,黄坚老师是2014年cctv杯全国英语演讲比赛福建赛区的特等奖获得者,并且在总决赛中挺进了20强,同时他也是去年总决赛的主持人。现在让我们用热烈的掌声欢迎黄老师为我们本次比赛做精彩点评!welcome!


a: thank you thank you very much. one minute on the stage and ten years of practice off the stage. rome[r?um] wasn’t built in one day! the road to success is never smooth or easy! but we truly believe that our dreams will come true alive!

b: 罗马不是一天建成的,我们相信有付出就会有收获。相信我们今天所有的选手都在这一刻体验了一番!

公布成绩并颁奖:now i willannounce the first 3 contestants’ scores

1、 first, i would like to announce the third winners: (三等奖四名)


let’s welcome the third prizewinners to come onto the stage .and warmly welcome our judges to give awards to our winners and take photos .

2、and then, the second winners: (二等奖四名)


let’s welcome the second prize winners to come onto the stage .and warmly welcome our judges to give awards to our winners and take photos .

3、ladies and gentlemen ,can you feel the most exciting moment? right now, what i am going to announce is the first winners:(一等奖四名)


let’s welcome the first prize winners to come onto the stage .and warmly welcome our judges to give awards to our winners and take photos .

4、at last , another exciting moment is i am going to announce the biggest prize of the competition. the special prize :(特等奖 三名)

xxxx xxx xx

ladies and gentlemen, let's bring the special prize winners onto the stage with a warm of applause. and warmly welcome our leaders to give awards to our winners.

结束语: well,how exciting today the contest is! so i hope we'll all make good use of this opportunity.ladies and gentlemen: the competition is over. thank you! honored judges. thank you for your excellent speech!thank you for coming!



1、now you will give a impromptuim'pr?mptu:] speech please pick up a numberok70 seconds to prepare


1 now it is the question from fiona.

2 now it is the questions and answers section from fiona


1.计时开始:timing begins

2. i agree with you 100% but the time don’t


